View upcoming menus.
Breakfast and lunch are free to all students this fall through December 2020. You can view the school menus through the SchoolCafe app. Download the app.
Denver Public Schools Food & Nutrition Services and University Park Elementary have an online tool for updating and managing your child’s school expenses. You will need to register for an account at the MySchoolBucks website. It is convenient and secure and manages your child’s school transactions online from your desktop or mobile device. Never again bother with the trouble of sending cash or a check with your child to pay for your child’s meals.
If you would like to request Free or Reduced Lunch please fill out the online application. All families that would like Lunch assistance must fill out a new application each year.
As part of UPark’s Sustainability Initiative, students are expected to be responsible for their own lunch clean up and to participate in our school’s ‘green’ initiative. This includes: